My general approach is to stay away from any sociopolitical topic on this blog. This week has led to an exception. The hearings for Supreme
A Boring Life?
Those of you that know something about me may recognize that self-promotion is not something I am comfortable with. In fact, I think I’m allergic
A Call for Self-Compassion
Sometimes I think my brain is totally emptied of any thought I would want to share with other human beings. I wonder if this is
A Letter from Ego
Dear Julie, It’s me; your ego. I thought it was time for me to write you because lately I am showing up in your thoughts
A Life Lesson I’ve Learned From Art
Art did not enter my life until my late thirties. Prior to that, I believed artistic ability was doled out to my mother and sisters
A Moment to Share My Truth
It may seem as though I have been unusually quiet these past three and a half months. And I have. Mostly because I feel conflicted
A New Day
A new day. Wow. My first day with my new website. It seems like a business adventure to some. But to me it is about
A New Relationship
It’s funny to me how I think I have evolved so much as I travel this path of life. And then, a new opportunity opens
A New Season
Scrolling through Instagram, my eyes stopped at this quote, “Don’t live the same year seventy five times and call it a life.” Then my heart
A New Time
The moment my eyes popped open this morning I thought about how today was the beginning of a new time. For the first time in
A Promise to Myself
Expectation is the beginning of all suffering. I have shared this Buddhist concept so many times in therapy as I help my clients learn how
A Recipe of Grief and Gratitude… All Mixed Up
It is funny to me how loud silence can really be. But, last week a dear person asked me if I was doing okay because