A new day. Wow. My first day with my new website. It seems like a business adventure to some. But to me it is about faith. As I dial down my practice and cut my income, I invested in my blog. I said to the world, my story matters. My words, my thoughts, my truth. They mean something. And the beautiful thing is that this is true for all of us. Everyone has a story to tell. It is just sitting quietly inside for many. But we all have the power to let out the wisdom of our time on earth and the truth of our soul.

But what sits next to the beauty of telling our story is the courage to open ourselves to the stories others have to tell. That can be the most courageous thing we can do. Because in hearing their story, we are called to be present to the dark experiences of life. We are called to hear ideas and beliefs that do not match our own. We are called to truly connect in vulnerability. This concept is contrary to the deep polarization of our world, and the freedom many feel to judge others.

My dear readers, I do not know all of your stories. But I wish you the courage to share them with people who have earned the right to hear your truth, And while this website is prettier and more organized, the true core, reaching out to share stories of life is here. I will be there for you and you will be there for each other. It is a beautiful new day.

Thank you Demetra. Your website design is a true gift.

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