Sometimes life is full of differences, especially between people. I see this often in my clinical practice. During a time when my marriage was in trouble, about a decade ago, I was helping couples heal the wounds of a decaying marriage. One day, a client may be excited to share about a shiny new car they purchased and the next day, I go out to my car to find a dead alternator unable to start my car. I work with people who have illness and the day one person gets the worst results possible, I get results that shine a light on my path. We all go through life with different experiences along the way.

There has only been two times in my three-plus decade career that I am experiencing something traumatic at the same time all of my clients are. The first time was the attacks of 9/11. And today, COVID-19 has become a shared crisis.

This does not mean that we all see it or experience it exactly the same. The thoughts, feelings, and experiences are uniquely personal. But, we are all looking at the same star in the sky and trying to figure out what it means. Our answer to the question, “What does this mean?” is shaped in large part by our world view, our values, and the beliefs we carry about our global community. It is also influenced by all the experiences that came before COVID-19 and what we came to believe about ourselves as human beings. Very different. Yet together.

In some strange way, much like 9/11, I feel closer to my clients. As though we are shoulder to shoulder in this pandemic. Each trying to do the best we can. Each one hoping the other person is well, safe, and comforted. Very much together. Yet different.

What is the takeaway from this? I believe it is that we can meet each other in our shared search of a darkened sky. We can recognize our shared human experience of this crisis. We can offer our best to each other and accept some of the best in others. The physical reality of COVID-19 has not changed, but our spiritual reality can transform us.

2 thoughts on “All Together”

  1. Julie, well said. Thx you for putting words to something that at a glance makes no sense and makes us think we are alone…It’s always a choice, and it takes support and wisdom to sort it out. Meg

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