It may seem as though I have been unusually quiet these past three and a half months. And I have. Mostly because I feel conflicted about writing blog posts since the election.
On the one hand, I have tried to create a safe space on my blog, apart from the chaos and division created by politics. I want this is be the place you go to explore themes of resilience in the face of adversity, being brave, being spiritual, being compassionate to both ourselves and others, and living an authentic life. Of course, I also want to carve out room to explore how we can walk a journey with cancer or illness.
In contrast, I believe I have a responsibility to speak to what is happening in our country. I have a platform with readers who have been attracted to the ideas of self-reflection and self-empowerment. How do I write blog posts about that and pretend that what I see happening in our country does not exist?
So, if what you need is an issue-free zone, I want you to honor that and stop reading this post. Go, and do a form of self care that nurtures you. Come back to my blog another time. I will still be here for you. I promise.
For those of you who decided to take the plunge with me, I also honor that. So here I go…
I am afraid. I am afraid that people from many places and circumstances are being hurt, financially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I am afraid that a healthcare system that was already troubled is being cut off at the knees and denied desperately needed resources. I am afraid that huge hunks of our nation’s foundation, like separation of church and state and the governmental system of checks and balances are being washed away. I am afraid that violence and hatred is targeting the LGBTQ community. I am afraid that all the isms, including racism, sexism, ageism, and ableism are getting a front row seat at the table while those who are oppressed by isms have their voices silenced. I am afraid that the most vulnerable of our society, children, do not have their most basic needs met. I am afraid, very, very afraid.
So, how am I dealing with this fear? The same way I cope with the fear brought on by cancer. I turn to faith. I lean on the words of Father Greg Boyle, who said that God is not here to protect us, but to sustain us. I ask for that sustenance every day in prayer.
I also look for where I have power. Going through cancer surgeries and treatments, I regularly asked myself, “What is one thing I can do today to heal?”. One thing a day in cancer’s darkest days seemed manageable. One thing in this season of fear is manageable too. I can make a phone call or write a letter to someone in government. I can walk in marches. I can boycott companies that support what is currently happening in our nation. Small steps, but a place I can speak my truth.
The last eight years, this blog has focused on making sure that people did not feel alone. Not alone with cancer or illness. Not alone in life. And I wanted to offer that up in this time of turmoil and fear. If you feel afraid, you are not alone. I am with you. And we will walk through this together.
Take care, my dear readers.
Well said. You are not alone.
Julie, thank you for your honesty and courage. I want to join your circle. Together we can accomplish much.