I shared at the end of July that my wife had encouraged me to let go of my long to-do list and focus on doing things that felt right to me. On one hand, I thought the woman had lost her mind. But on the other hand, I wondered what it would be like to listen to a more loving voice than the one that focused on accomplishments every day. I referred to it as the August Challenge. I promised to keep you posted…

The first thing that happened is I shared the blog post with my wife, who immediately brought my attention to my verbiage, challenge. She gently encouraged me to change my perspective or I would still be focused on achievement rather than peacefully listening. To that end, I changed my words to the August Quest.

The next thing I noticed was how relaxed I was and how much fun I had. It was not about how I spent my time, although I did fun things. It was that what I desired to do and what I was doing was congruent. I did not override my desires to create some sense of accomplishment. Now, I have to be honest and say that this was not as simple as it sounds. I would be relaxing on the couch, reading a book or playing a game on my phone, when the “shoulds” would march back into the room demanding my attention.. And it was okay, because I did need to empty the dishwasher and put in a load of laundry. I still have adult responsibilities. But when I finished that chore, I would check back in with myself. To see what felt right. And then I would try to do that. And I surprised myself. I found myself working on a new writing project that had not even been a blip on my screen before now. But every time I sat down at my computer it just felt right.

I want to be totally transparent here. The part of me that judges myself based on achievement is alive and well. But I am also growing the part of me that wants to do what my spirit says is right. I want my desires and behaviors to be congruent. I want to feel deep inside that I am enough.

So, my dear readers, what would you do if you listened to inner voice?

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