Hiking lately has offered me an opportunity to get outside and experience the world. Some days, the heavy clouds cover the sun and shroud the world in gray. Some days, fresh snow and frozen frost has covered our landscape in bright white and sparkles. One particularly gloomy day last week, I was hiking along when I spotted this gift from a fellow hiker, I assume. A glittery, red ornament hung from a tree with clear filament that allowed it to appear as if it was suspended in air.
My immediate response upon spotting the decoration was joy at its loveliness. My second response was that this ornament hanging in the woods is a great metaphor for our world today. In the midst of this world’s suffering, there is still evidence of joy. There have been times during this pandemic when feeling joy created guilt feelings within me. But I have reminded myself of what I have said to others over the years. Grief and gratitude. Suffering and joy. They can coexist with each other. We do not have to discard one to carry the other. I also feel like my moments of joy fortify me to walk with those who are suffering deep sorrow these days.
If ever there was a time in my life where I needed to cultivate joy, this is it. I do not do this within a vacuum. Instead I do it while carrying the stories of loss and hardship of people I know and love. Grief and gratitude. Suffering and joy. All woven delicately into the tapestry of today. Take care, dear readers.